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DIALUPS 2.1 - Documentation

Release 2.1
April 23, 2002
Olivier Booklage


STinG Dialup Server is an IP dialup linkage server between your Atari and an external machine equipped with IP, Internet clients, and a modem.

It requires the presence of STinG and a modem.

Upon a ringing signal, the software picks up, requests authentication with a username ('Login') and a password ('Password'), and then assigns the dynamic IP address for the connection.

All server-client dialogue possibilities are then available between your 'local' Atari and the connected 'remote' machine.

The connection ends when there is no response to the ICMP test from the Packet Internet Groper (PING) and/or when the DCD signal of the modem drops if it allows it.


Launch the software and in the 'Setup' menu configure:

2.1 Device

Choose the port, protocol, the desired 'local' IP address for your machine and the desired remote IP address as well as the 'maximum transfer unit' (MTU).

The addresses must be consistent with your IP routing file 'route.tab'.

By default, the proposed addresses are and, which gives, for example, in the route.tab file:

#Route for the 'dialups' dialup connection in the 192.0.2.xxx zone:
#   Modem 2
#Route for a Midi Intranet in a 192.0.1.xxx zone:
#   Midi
#Default route for a dialup connection to your
#usual provider with distribution of this service
#         Masquerade

MTU values are typically 1400 for SLIP/CSLIP and 1500 for PPP, but must remain the same as that of your provider in case of distribution by masquerade.

SLIP and CSLIP protocols have been tested with InterSlip for Macintosh.

To test the presence of the 'remote' machine you can enable the modem's DCD detection if it allows it, and/or check the network status by regularly sending a 'PING' signal (Packet Internet Groper) that the remote machine must return.

2.2 Modem

Place the command strings of your modem according to your documentation

  • init: command sent at the launch of the software
  • answer: pick-up command
  • hangup: hang-up command
  • reset: command sent before exiting the program
  • NewLine: type of end of line, including for terminal mode.

Characters are used for special commands:

  • '|': carriage return
  • '~': 1-second pause
  • 'v': DTR low
  • '^': DTR high

2.3 User

Use the dialups.inf file to set the login, password and the maximum connection time (separated by a space) of users authorized for the connection.


;------- User file for dialups -------
;login   password   maxtime in second or 0 for unlimited
olivier  12345      60
res1     54321      7200

3 History

V 0.1

  • First version.

V 0.2

  • Implementation of modem DCD detection.
  • Improvement of network control by PING.

V 0.3

  • Fixed a disconnection reinitialization issue.
  • DTR is not DCD, resource and documentation corrected.

V 0.4

  • Fixed a configuration save issue under BetaDos.

V 0.5

  • use of dialups.inf for the list of authorized users.

V 0.6

  • use of maximum time in dialups.inf.

V 0.6

  • New interface.
  • Addition of NewLine type selection.

4 Shareware

This pack is a SHAREWARE priced at 50 Frs (10 $), please contact the Author for payment. THANK YOU!

5 Author

The author disclaims any liability for material, physical or moral damage regarding the use of the programs and their help files. This version is a Shareware, therefore not free. It is not in the public domain. The author remains the sole legal owner. Any sale, distribution for a fee, commercial use (Mail order, CDROM, Magazine Diskette, Download by BBS..etc) without the written consent of the author is strictly illicit and expressly FORBIDDEN.

Please write to the author:
Olivier Booklage
4, cours des longs prés
92100 Boulogne FRANCE

FidoNet 2:325/3.50
AtariNet 51:901/1.50
NeST 90:800/1.50



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