Funny Paint file format

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Funny Paint    *.FUN

Supports animation and image data is never compressed.

1 long      file id [0x000ACFE2]
1 word      image width in pixels
1 word      image height in pixels
1 word      planes [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
1 word      number of frames [1 = single image]
1 byte      ? [usually 0]
13 bytes    total for header

??          image data:
  1 to 8 planes: standard Atari interleaved bitmap
  16 planes: Falcon high-color, word RRRRRGGGGGGBBBBB
  This section is repeated for each frame

1 long      total colors - 1
1 long      ? (varies)
1 long      ? (varies)

??          palette data:
  The palette is stored in VDI format (0-1000) in VDI order
  3 words per entry for R, G, and B
  1 plane palette should be ignored, seems to contain bogus values
  16 planes will have a palette (predefined pens, should be ignored)

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