Spooky Sprites file format

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Spooky Sprites    *.TRE (RLE compressed)
                  *.TRP (uncompressed)

Falcon high-color images. 

TRP - True Color Picture

1 long    file id ['tru?']
1 word    picture width in pixels
1 word    picture height in pixels
width*height words of picture data

TRE - Run Length Encoded True Color Picture

1 long    file id ['tre1']
1 word    picture width in pixels
1 word    picture height in pixels
1 long    number of chunks
This is followed by all the data chunks. The first chunk is a raw data chunk.

raw data chunk:

1 byte    Number of raw data pixels. If this byte is 255 the number of pixels will
          be the following word+255
Number of pixels words of raw data.
This chunk is followed by an RLE chunk.

rle chunk:

1 byte    Number of rle pixels. If this byte is 255 the number of rle pixels will
          be the following word+255. This is the number of times you should draw the
          previous color again.
This chunk is followed by a raw data chunk.

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