TT Digger
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- Reliable universal interactive disassembler.
- Full M68K range of processors.
- Fully menu and mouse controlled.
- Fully GEM conform.
- Output to screen and file.
- Exhaustive check on validity of addressing modes.
- Superfast label generation.
- Label generation works for very large programs.
- Label generation uses fixup and relocation info.
- Interactive (with the mouse) tracking of jumps and references.
- Backtracking of pages (UNDO) to a depth of 256.
- Disassembly "on the fly" per page of screen.
- Fast searching methods for hex patterns, text and references.
- Commented header information at the start of the listing.
- Distinction between labels in TEXT, DATA and BSS segments.
- Recognition of GEMDOS, BIOS, XBIOS and line_A calls.
- Access to TOS in ROM or RAM.
- Recognition of line_F abuse by TOS 1.0
- Access to the Cartridge port.
- Access to disc sectors (Floppy, harddisc as well as RAM disc's).
- Recognition of executable boot sectors (virus checking).
- Recognition of incorrect program or object file format (link virus).
- Output adaptable to different assemblers (GST, HISOFT, GFA, MCC, MAS, PASM, DevPac etc.).
- Labels in the BSS segment.
- Mark data in the TEXT segment.
- Distinctive marking of .B, .W en .L data.
- Distinctive marking of 16 bit pc relative jump tables.
- Quickly go to references via a click in the journal.
- Quick find indirect jmp's and jsr's.
- Marking as data and jump table is recognized by the label generator.
- Attaching a short comment to the address of a line.
- Permanently store data markings, new names, bookmarks and comments in an index file.
- Naming unrelocated absolute operands.
- Naming standard labels.
- Bookmarking interesting places.
- Fully incorporating symbol tables if present.
- Both DRI and Pure C object files implemented.
- Long names in DRI symbol tables recognized ($48 in low byte of symbol type).
- Smoothly call PPU2O for Pure Pascal units.
- Locality by using menu's in windows.
- Interaction with the user via a journal/console.
- Resume mode. Restart opens previous opened files.
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