Warp9 Font file format

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Warp9 Font    *.FNT

The font format defines characters 0-255.
Each character is stored as 16 bytes, one byte for each row in the character. 
Characters are rendered as 8x16 pixels, thus 16 * 256 = 4096 bytes.

4096 bytes    character data
1 word        half height flag [0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed]
4098 bytes    total for file

Example character:
Byte 1  -> 00000000
Byte 2  -> 00001000
Byte 3  -> 00011100
.          00111110
.          01110111
.          01100011
.          01100011
.          01100011
.          01111111
.          01111111
.          01100011
.          01100011
.          01100011
.          01100011
.          01100011
Byte 16 -> 01100011

Character data:
16 bytes of character 0
16 bytes of character 1
16 bytes of character 2
16 bytes of character 255

Tacked on the end of the file is the half height flag.
Note: Some files are 4096 bytes because they are missing this extra word.

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